Saturday, July 9, 2011

Harry Potter Movie Marathon Night

My hubby and I are big Harry Potter fans. Read all the books and have watched all the movies several times over. We have been to The Wizarding World of HP @ Universal's Islands of Adventure and LOVED it! What an awesome and magical place.

Tonight is our First Harry Potter Movie Marathon night. We are starting The Sorcerer's Stone at 2pm. I am sure we will take a Intermission around 6 for dinner and then only potty breaks the rest of the night!

I am making:
*Acid Pops
*Licorice Wands
*Troll Toenails
*Quiditch Players Pie
*Cockroach Clusters

Should be a fun party!

Friday, July 8, 2011

Pool Fun w/Friends!

Independence Day Fun!